CF6: Letter to Disney

Mr. Howard Green                                 January 3, 1995
The Disney Company                            (818) 560-1000
Animation Department                         FAX 563-2472

Dear Mr. Green,

ConFurence 6 is the 7th annual gathering of creative people who use animal inspired characters in all forms of entertainment.  With such a specific interest, it should come as no surprise to you that much of what is produced by Disney is extremely popular with our members. The release of the incredible animated feature The Lion King was a high point of 1994 for many of us, and will no doubt serve as an inspiration for many years to come. The concept of using animals to tell a story with universal appeal is what we are all about.

At past ConFurence conventions we have enjoyed informative and entertaining visits from Disney production personnel, including Jim Magon, Mark Zaslof and Tad Stones. This year we are happy to have  Michael Reaves and others who are working on current Disney television projects as guests.

Some of our members have asked if it would be possible to arrange a screening of
The Lion King at the convention. Our own video staff has offered to provide quality equipment, including a Sharp video projector and a Dolby Surround sound system for our 200 seat
theater. If a copy of the film is obtainable, we would be screening it as part of the closing ceremonies on the afternoon of Sunday, January 15.

With the impact this incredible film has had on our membership, I believe such a special screening will be a fitting climax to our annual gathering. It will be one of the last times that many of our members will be able to see the film with an audience in a theater environment. If it would be possible to borrow a tape copy of The Lion King, either in VHS or SVHS format, for our Sunday event, we would be very grateful. Please feel free to contact me via FAX or at my work number if you have any questions about ConFurence or the proposed screening.

Thank you very much for your assistance!


Mark Merlino